4 reasons why everyone should try cognitive hypnotherapy

1. It is goal orientated 
It’s not just a talking that leaves you feeling better because you’ve shared and unloaded  A lot of work I do is is done upfront with the client to align on the goal of therapy, and to identify the obstacles that may be holding them in patterns of negative thoughts and behaviours. This ensures that all the work I do with a client has a clear purpose and output.

2. It’ll leave you feeling empowered 
Cognitive hypnotherapy creates the space for you to focus on yourself.  You’ll get to know yourself more by understanding why you do and think the way you do.  Through hypnosis you’ll identify the negative narratives you’ve written for you life and learn how to re-write them.  The best thing about cognitive hypnotherapy is that it recognises that we have everything we need within ourselves to solve our problems.  The job of a hypnotherapist is simply to guide their clients towards their solution state and provide them with the tools to help themselves.

3. It can be relaxing and rejuvenating 
Trance is a natural state that we drift in and out of in a normal day, like when our mind wanders or when we daydream.  For clients I create a personalised hypnotic script which I deliver in the session and record for them to listen to in between sessions to reinforce what they’ve learnt - all with the added benefit of inducing a state of relaxation.

4. You’ll feel better 
It’s easy to be stoic and go through life developing coping strategies to either ignore or deal with your issues, but you’ll never live your best life that way and let’s face it with the average life expectancy at 72.6 years*, life is way too long to stay unhappy for the rest of it. Cognitive Hypnotherapy offers you the chance to be free of your problems and imagine a more positive future. It also has the added benefit of providing you with the life skills and self-knowledge to deal with future curve balls.

If you haven’t tried Cognitive Hypnotherapy you should give it a go - it may be the best decision you make.

*The United Nations estimate a global average life expectancy of 72.6 years for 2019.


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