Cognitive hypno-therapy FAQs

What is cognitive hypnotherapy?

Cognitive hypnotherapy also known as CogHyp is a modern approach influenced by cognitive theory, neuroscience, evolutionary psychology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). It works with a cognitive hypnotherapist acting as a guide, to help a client enter a natural hypnotic state or ‘trance’, enabling them to connect with their unconscious mind, where all our learned behaviour patterns are stored to help resolve an issue.

Is cognitive hypnotherapy a cross between Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and hypnotherapy?

No. This is a common misconception. Although both approaches recognise the connection between thoughts-feelings-behaviours, a CBT therapist will look at how our thoughts influence how we feel and act. In contrast a cognitive hypnotherapist will approach an issue at an emotional level, rather than at a rationale level.

It’s hard to think yourself out of a bad feeling, and a cognitive hypnotherapist will work with your feelings to change thoughts and behaviours.

How does cognitive hypnotherapy work?

It is thought that 95% of behaviour is driven un-consciously. It uses past experiences to give context to present situations to keep us safe, but sometimes the information it uses is incorrect, or out-of-date and needs updating.

During hypnosis you are guided into a trance - a hypnotic state where you feel creative, uninhibited and free so are more open to letting go. Utilising this open state you are guided towards identifying the intention behind your issue, with the aim of updating it with the correct information. The process involves interventions and techniques to access memories connected to the issue, the use of hypnotic suggestions to prime the mind for change, and your imagination to help find a resolution.

What makes cognitive hypnotherapy different from other forms of hypnotherapy?

Unlike traditional hypnotherapy, cognitive hypnotherapy does not require you to go into a deep hypnotic state. Cognitive hypnotherapy framework works on the premise that trance is a natural occurrence, a mental state we all enter throughout the day like when we daydream.

What does hypnosis feel like?

Being in hypnosis is often described as being in an altered state of conscious - a medium between wakefulness and sleep. There is nothing uniquely special about this state. In fact, this ‘hypnotic state’ is something we naturally experience and bring on ourselves like when we are in a ‘state of flow’, and is similar to when we daydream or are in a meditative state.

Will I lose control during hypnosis?

No. Contrary to the image perpetuated by stage hypnotists you remain in full control during treatment, so you would never do anything you didn’t want to do.

How effective is cognitive hypnotherapy?

Cognitive hypnotherapy prides itself on being an evidenced-based approach. Findings published in the Mental Health Review Journal in 2015, conducted amongst those suffering anxiety and depression showed that 71% of clients considered themselves recovered after an average of four sessions of Cognitive Hypnotherapy. This is compared to an average of 42% for other approaches like CBT for example.

Will cognitive hypnotherapy work for everyone?

No one therapy will work for everyone, which is why it’s important that we speak before you book your session. This is to ensure you feel certain cognitive hypnotherapy is the right approach for you.

What makes a good candidate for cognitive hypnotherapy?

The number one determining factor for success with hypnotherapy is willingness. You need to want to change.

The other factor that can make you a good candidate for hypnotherapy is a good imagination.

Who shouldn’t use cognitive hypnotherapy?

You shouldn’t have hypnotherapy if you have certain medical conditions as it could make them worse. These include: epilepsy, schizophrenia, bi-polar, psychosis or certain types of personality disorder. If you’re in unsure of your suitability check with a GP first.

What can I expect from my first cognitive hypnotherapy session?

Our work together starts before we meet. I will ask you to complete, and return a questionnaire 48 hours before we meet.

The first session is a history take. We will spend it exploring what you would like to help with and what changes you would like to make. This is an essential part of therapy, where information is gathered about what you’re experiencing to uncover the potential cause of your issue. From this a personalised treatment plan is created, and delivered in the second session.

What techniques are used in cognitive hypnotherapy?

An integrative therapy, a cognitive hypnotherapist will draw on a multitude of techniques and interventions, including EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy), and Parts-Therapy to match the needs of their client.

Will I have to do homework?

What happens outside of the therapy room is just as important as what happens inside it. After each session, you will be tasked with exercises or techniques to practice. This includes listening to a personalised hypnotic audio which I will record for you after session two.

How much does it cost?

Initial consultations, which all new clients must book start from £200.

A full list of treatment options, including packages can be found here.

How long do sessions last?

The initial consultation lasts 70 minutes, and follow-up treatments typically lasts up to 60 minutes.

How many sessions will I need?

Cognitive hypnotherapy is an efficacious therapy that can create immediate results in a relatively short amount of time, but key to its success is consistency, and cumulative impact. I recommend clients commit to a minimum of three sessions before realistically evaluating the effectiveness of treatment.

Everyone is different. Ultimately the number of sessions will depend on the complexity of your issue; what you want to achieve; and the speed of progress. Some people find after two sessions that they’ve got what they need from working with me, while others four or six.

How quickly will I start to see results?

Most people see results after two - three sessions, but some clients have told me they have noticed changes in the way they think and feel after the history take.

Are the effects of cognitive hypnotherapy long term?

Yes. The outcomes from cognitive hypnotherapy can last a lifetime.

My goal is to ensure I don’t see a client again with the same problem, which is why every client is provided with a personalised hypnotic audio recording to reinforce changes experienced in the treatment room. This is alongside tools and techniques taught in sessions to ensure any changes experienced will last long after treatment is completed.

Where and when do sessions take place?

In-person sessions take place in Ealing, West London, Tuesday evenings at the beautiful, calm and tranquil private treatment rooms located in triyoga Ealing, between 7.00pm - 9pm.

Online sessions take place on Thursdays between 11am - 3.30pm GMT.

How do I book?

For in-person sessions at triyoga Ealing you can book online, or call the centre on 020 3362 0688. As I only a limited number of clients face-to-face, it is recommended that you also book a follow-up treatment for one-two weeks after your initial consultation.

For online session, please contact me directly.