HypnoBirthing FAQs

What is HypnoBirthing?

HypnoBirthing® is a tried and proven technique, as well as a philosophy that guides and prepares a woman to birth their baby comfortably and calmly.

When should you start HypnoBirthing classes?

I think it’s good to be close enough to your due date so information is fresh in your mind, but early enough into your pregnancy to give you time to practice so between 25-30 weeks. If you’d prefer to start earlier, you’re welcome to join after your 20 week scan.

What will I learn?

You will be educated on the physiology of birth - what happens, why and how mother’s bodies have been created to give birth by design; and how fear is the cause of tension and pain in birthing.  

You will also be taught a toolbox of simple techniques including special breathing and visualisation to help them stay relaxed, and calm during the birthing experience - and beyond.

Why is the course taught over weeks and not a weekend?

Everyone is different, but research has shown that the mind can only learn so much at one time, and because repetition and practice is key to learning it makes sense for the course is taught over four to five sessions, rather than a weekend, or an afternoon or morning.

Parents I have taught have told me that completing the course over a longer period has allowed them time to absorb and put into practice what they’ve learnt.

Couples find the course an incredibly bonding experience, and tell me they look forward to having a moment in their week, where they can connect as a couple, and bond over their baby.